ROADPOL: European Roads Policing Network

Roadpol Safety Days
ROADPOL: European Roads Policing Network
Road safety through traffic monitoring
Ministry of the Interior of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia

Crossing borders to save lives!

This is the slogan of ROADPOL, the Europe-wide police network that aims to reduce the number of road accident victims.

ROADPOL stands for "European Roads Policing Network". It is a non-governmental organization that emerged from an association of traffic police forces from the member states of the European Union with headquarters in London.

This European traffic police network has the task of coordinating national actions across Europe to enforce regulations in the traffic sector. The main objective is to reduce the number of fatalities and serious injuries on Europe's roads.

ROADPOL believes that, wherever appropriate, traffic enforcement and prevention will make a significant contribution to reducing the number of road accident victims.

Germany is represented in ROADPOL by the state of Rhineland-Palatinate.


Objectives of ROADPOL:

  • To reduce the number of fatalities and casualties on European roads.
  • To bring together road traffic authorities and traffic police forces in Europe to cooperate and exchange practical experience.
  • Organize and coordinate Europe-wide operations and campaigns.
  • Promote monitoring and training based on research, evaluation and information in order to create a powerful and targeted training and monitoring programme.
  • Initiate and support research in the field of road safety.
  • Provide a competent and coordinated police opinion on road safety issues.


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