- Polizeigeschichte-Infopool (in German only)
The site, for which Dr. Frank Kawelovski is responsible, contains a wealth of information on the history of the German police, and North Rhine-Westphalia in particular, with a focus on the period after 1945.
- Zeitgeschichte Hamburg (in German only)
This link allows you to download the volume on "Nachkriegspolizei. Sicherheit und Ordnung in Ost- und Westdeutschland 1945-1969" free of charge.
- The work "Die deutsche Ordnungspolizei und der Holocaust im Baltikum und Weißrussland 1941-1944" (in German only) by Wolfgang Curilla is a standard work and offers a very detailed insight into the actions of the police battalions in the occupied East.
- Anyone interested in the early history of the police, with a focus on the Ruhr region, can take a look at the monograph "Polizei im Industrierevier 1848-1914" (in German only) by Ralph Jessen.
- The Bielefeld historian Klaus Weinhauer created a standard work for this period with his book on the "Schutzpolizei in der Bundesrepublik" (in German only) in the 1960s.
- Thomas Lindenberger's book about the GDR People's Police (in German only) focuses on a less prominent chapter of police history.
- Patrick Wagner (in German only) sheds light on the question of the character and methods of the German criminal investigation department in the 20th century.
- Zeithistorische Forschungen (in German only)
This essay on the BKA and its founding generation shows that the National Socialist character of the German police did not simply experience an abrupt break, but was characterized by personnel continuities after 1945.
- Dokumentation "Ganz normale Männer. Der 'vergessene Holocaust'" (in German only)
Here you can watch the documentary "Ganz normale Männer. The 'forgotten Holocaust'" about the deeds of police battalion 101 in particular and their background can be accessed here. The documentary is based on the multifaceted research on police battalions