New bike squad introduced

The new Gelsenkirchen police bicycle squadron
New bike squad introduced
"Erna 41" on duty
The police now have a new bicycle squadron on duty.

Don't be surprised if you see police officers on patrol by bike more often in the near future. Police Commissioner Britta Zur (center) officially introduced the "Erna 41" team together with the head of the Gelsenkirchen police station, Police Director Andreas Morbach, and the head of the southern police station, Chief Superintendent Markus Topheide. 

The name "Erna 41" is made up of the radio call name of the Gelsenkirchen police - Erna - and the number 41, which is reserved for the use of bicycles. Initially, the officers are on the road with four trekking bicycles. The bikes are used for everyday operations or in search situations. The "Erna 41" officers also take part in special operations such as meetings, events and road safety campaigns. You will also encounter the two-wheelers on the Erzbahn route, in green spaces, parks and pedestrian zones.

The bicycle police officers will usually be out and about in pairs and will be recognizable and approachable as police officers thanks to their uniform, which is special official bicycle clothing.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110