Protection from domestic violence

Domestic violence
Protection from domestic violence
Victims of domestic violence need help. In acutely dangerous situations, the police provide this help as soon as they are informed. This initially prevents the domestic situation from escalating further.

Police crime prevention program of the federal states and the federal government

The police can take a number of measures to avert danger
After an act of violence, the police can expel the perpetrator from the home and ban them from returning for ten days if there is a risk of further acts of violence. The victim will be given documentation of the intervention. This is important if further protection is to be requested from the family court. This is usually necessary in order to break the cycle of violence.

The police will check compliance with the ban on return during the ten-day period unannounced. A violation can be prosecuted with a fine or imprisonment. If the offender attempts to enter the home during the ban on return, the police should be informed in any case.
The ten-day period of the police ban from the home gives victims the opportunity to seek counseling and get support from a local help center. With the victim's consent, the local police officers will arrange a contact nearby.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110