The police exhibition "110" at Dortmund Police Headquarters aims to make the diversity of police work transparent - away from film and television. On over 500 square meters, it presents topics of current police work and police history. It is also possible to borrow an audio guide, which provides an entertaining tour of the exhibition. You will need your own headphones (with a plug) and sufficient time for the tour.
The sub-exhibition "Order and Destruction - The Dortmund Police in the Nazi State" is something very special. It vividly illustrates the role of the police under National Socialism between 1933 and 1945 and the atrocities that police officers also committed - from escorting deportations or guarding ghettos in Warsaw to summary executions in the middle of Dortmund.
This exhibition is also available to all interested citizens to educate them about the Nazi regime and the role of the Dortmund police in this era. In the police exhibition "110" at Markgrafenstraße 102, you can also discover some original exhibits from the time - such as an original watch book from the Dortmund-Huckarde police station from the Reichspogromnacht.
Further information on the topic can be found on our theme page "Police history".