"You are not alone" - campaign launched to provide help for children and young people

NRW State Prevention Council
"You are not alone" - campaign launched to provide help for children and young people
Get in touch! We won't leave you alone.
The "You are not alone" media campaign draws attention to help services so that children and young people can receive professional help even before an investigation or criminal proceedings and encourages them to make use of them in an emergency or crisis situation.

On the campaign website www.dubistnichtallein.nrw, children and young people can quickly and easily find the right contact person in their city by clicking on the logo of their city or the youth welfare office directory.

From there they receive advice, help and, if necessary, protective measures.

Children and young people have the right to turn to the youth welfare office in an emergency or crisis situation (Section 8 SGB VIII).
Advice can also be provided by the youth welfare office without the parents or guardians being informed.

Further information on the campaign

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110