Gelsenkirchen Police Headquarters
The authority management
On this page you will find information on the management of the authority and the associated management staff

Police Commissioner Tim Frommeyer has headed the authority since January 12, 2024. 

The management team reports directly to the head of the authority. It is divided into three divisions:

Division 1

Division 1 advises and supports the head of the authority in all central management tasks.

The main focus here is on fundamental issues as well as cross-directorate and strategic matters.

The main areas of responsibility include:

  • Strategy development to manage core police tasks in the areas of emergency response, operational management, crime and traffic accident development
  • Strategic and, in individual cases, operational authority controlling
  • Initiating and accompanying change processes


Division 2

Press relations

The press office is generally responsible for the cooperation between the Gelsenkirchen police and the media.
It is the link between the police headquarters and the media and informs the authority about media coverage on the one hand and the media about police work on the other.
In principle, the press office is responsible for looking after media representatives.

The press releases of the Gelsenkirchen police can be found here.


Public relations work

Public relations work includes measures to maintain relations between the police and citizens and to promote internal communication structures within the authority.

These are in particular:

  • Coordination of the authority's public relations work and conceptual development of long-term programs in coordination with the authority management and the specialist departments.
  • Conception, establishment/design and support of police information offerings in printed and electronic form.
  • Initiation, support and implementation of events, campaigns, trade fairs and exhibitions as well as other activities of the authority.
  • Informing employees at the authority, in particular by publishing and maintaining target group-oriented information media (newsletter, intranet).
  • Providing communication support for key personnel and organizational development processes.
  • Organizing visitor groups at the authority.
  • "Social media team" (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)
  • Public relations work to accompany operations on special occasions


Division 3

Division 3 is responsible for the central quality assurance of police databases.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110