Gelsenkirchen police, Thomas Nowaczyk The directorates of the Gelsenkirchen police headquarters Here you will find an overview of the individual directorates and their tasks. The four directorates of the Gelsenkirchen Police Headquarters The directorates of the Gelsenkirchen police headquarters The Emergency Response/ Operations Directorate The main task of the Emergency Response/Employment Directorate (GE) is to manage day-to-day operations. The directorates of the Gelsenkirchen police headquarters The Crime Directorate Law enforcement, crime prevention and police victim protection are the tasks of this directorate. The directorates of the Gelsenkirchen police headquarters The Transport Directorate The Traffic Directorate is responsible for all matters relating to road traffic. The directorates of the Gelsenkirchen police headquarters Die Direktion Zentrale Aufgaben (ZA) Die Direktion Zentrale Aufgaben ist für die Verwaltung, Logistik, Technik sowie Aus- und Fortbildung beim Polizeipräsidium Gelsenkirchen zuständig.